

Next tentatively scheduled regular Board meeting June 27, 2024

Treasurer’s report was provided for the month of April. Financial Committee Meeting is scheduled to meet on June 18th to review the 2023/24 expenses and projected 2024/25 budget.

The next Round of Electrical upgrades and Leach field replacements will be discussed during the Financial Committee meeting when the projected budget is being developed.

Catch basins have been cleared. Wood and brush pile chipping and leveling have been completed. A notice will be posted regarding resident use for brush depositing

There is no update on the conversation with Barrettes a this time.

Rules & Bylaws Committee meeting is tentatively scheduled for June 5th to review the current Community Rules and Bylaws to discuss whether any changes or amendments are needed. Don’t hesitate to contact G. Pezzo at [email protected] if you have suggestions and would like the committee to place them on the agenda.

Maintenance – Pump house roof repair is in the process of completion.

The Vermont State EPA has mandated that every home is inspected for lead and galvanized iron this Summer. The inspection of the pipe is covered by a grant however removal of skirting, clearing the pipe of the insulation, and replacing the skirting is not included in the grant. PMA will be sending out a notice with options for us to consider to accomplish those tasks.

Please get in touch with PMA if you have a person living with you who are not listed on your lease agreement. All Co-op occupants must have a background check for the community’s safety. Failure to report additional members of your household is a lease violation. Please review the Bylaws, Lease, and Community Rules for detailed information on this topic.

Short rentals, Airbnb, or any other rental or home business need Board approval and must adhere to the community rules, Bylaws, and Occupancy agreement as well as local and state laws.

Entering a resident’s lot without permission is a violation of Mobile Home Park laws. This includes backwoods associated with the homeowner’s lot. Only trails, bike paths, or walking paths are considered to be common area. The law reads that a minimum of 12-hour notice must be given to the homeowner unless it is an emergency.

Violation notices and legal action for residents who have not complied with the notices they were sent are moving forward. The legal notification and any court expenses are the responsibility of the violator. If you receive a first notice it is a reminder to resolve the problem. Please take these notices seriously. Ignoring them can be a costly expense to the homeowner.

Pool opening is tentatively scheduled for June 14th – Rules and schedule will be posted soon. The opener and closer have been scheduled. A list of volunteers for backup and storm watch is being compiled. Please contact Kathy at [email protected] if interested in being added to the list.

Welcome to our new neighbor Emily L – Wentworth Rd.

Westbury was not selected for the ROC Better Together small grant for a new office printer. We will try again next year.

Kiddos will be met at the bus stop by the committee members on the last day of school, June 14th, with a treat to congratulate their accomplishment.

The Westbury residents Outdoor Summer Celebration, Co-op 5th Anniversary event will be held on June 29th with a rain date of July 20th. The flyer will be posted soon.

Enjoy the warm weather!

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