

The next scheduled regular Board meeting for November 24th is canceled. The next tentatively scheduled regular Board meeting is December 15, 2022.

Treasurers report for the month of September was provide and is available to Co-op members upon request.

Completion of the Electrical upgrade project for Coventry has been delayed until GMP can supply the transformers needed to complete the project.

Leach Fields replacements have begun.

ARPA Grants application selections will be announced soon

VERAP discontinuation- December 31st however there is some criteria for a portion of the benefits that may still be available. Contact CVOEO for more information. (802) 862 – 2771

Maintenance committee/Home Lot Improvement Committee- Submit Home/Lot improvement requests by Wednesday of each week. This will assist in having a better chance of the turn around time being more manageable and attempting to keep it within a 2 week time frame.

PMA/Enforcement Committee lot inspections conducted throughout the month have resulted in very few violations. The majority of those that have received notice have either resolved the problem or expressed that the problem will be resolved. Thanks to all for your cooperation and helping to keep our community and grounds safe & beautiful.

Social Committee- winner of the Halloween Decorating contest is: 110 Webley Street.

Christmas/Holiday decoration contest will be scheduled for the month of December, details to follow.

Village Project Team – The Village Plan was made available to all Westbury residents. Please contact [email protected] for further information.

Lot increase begins November 1, 2022. All Westbury non-members, please contact PMA if you want to join and become a member. They will provide you with the details.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

11/8/22 Addendum: ARPA funds/grant announcement has been delayed. No proposed time frame has been given at present.

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