The next Tentatively scheduled regular Board meeting is December 5, 2024 due to the Thanksgiving Holiday.
Interview with Duboise & King Engineer Firm – The board reviewed detailed notes from the TCE Engineering firm interview from last month to assist in making an informed comparison that will assist them in making their selection.
The treasurer’s report was presented
Property Management -Attempts to locate an engineering firm to inspect the property at 45 Lexington to assess the homeowner’s concerns have been unsuccessful at this time. PMA will continue to search for one that is available for smaller contracts. The Town Building & Zoning Dept. has informed us that permits are not required for foundations under the fuel tanks as long as it is the same footprint as the tank where it is being placed
Maintenance Committee- Gazebo has been delivered and will be placed in a location that provides enjoyment for the community. Drainage areas are being inspected for clearing during the winter. Leaf vacuum has been purchased with the proceeds from the sale of the stump grinder. Mapping is ongoing for water mains and shut-off valves. 15 MPH speed limit road stenciling will be performed in the Spring. Yellow ribbons are placed in areas to
Volunteer/Social Committee – For Halloween the committee will decorate and distribute treats to the kiddos after school on 10/31/24. The committee will be on hiatus for regular meetings until further notice.
The board approved the Campaign signs for the Republican Candidates on the Westbury Homeowners Association Inc. private property along with the Democratic signs however all regulations must be followed and all signs removed on election day Nov 5th.
A warm welcome to our new neighbors; Natalie J & Luke Y} Waverly Circle Sarah V & Veaceslov S} Greenbriar Lane Paul C} Bennan St
Home for sale: 106 Wentworth Rd, 274 Waverly Circle, 81 Brennan St.
Campaign signs were approved on the private property at both entrances for both the Democratic party and the Republican party and removal must be on election day.
Policy and amendment surrounding the Home/Lot improvement requests will be drawn that emphasize that details of dimensions and plans be entered on the form before approval can take place. Photos will be taken before & after the project.
Please inspect your Heat Tape to avoid freezing pipes. Material regarding Heat Tape is located in the mailroom
Happy Thanksgiving to All – Stay Safe & Warm