
Westbury July 2023 Recap

The next tentatively scheduled meeting is the Annual Membership Meeting on August 24, 2023 Members will be receiving the annual meeting packet by USPS mail that will include the details for the meeting, Sample ballot for the proposed budget, nominees for election for the 2023-2025 term, & proposed Community Rule changes. An official ballot will be given at the meeting upon sign-in. Sample ballots will not be included in the ballot count.

Absentee ballots must be arranged with PMA at least 10 days prior to the annual meeting. Absentee ballots will be marked as absentee ballots. They do not count toward quorum.

Please contact g pezzo regarding interest in running for a Board position and absentee ballot information. [email protected]

Treasurer’s report for June was provided and is available to members upon request. The financial committee met on June 9th and 16th to create the proposed budget for the 2023/2024 fiscal year. The proposed budget material will be included in the annual meeting packet and voted on by the membership.

Committee meetings are present on the WHAI calendar and are open to the membership.

Maintenance Committee continues} drain maintenance – trees – chipping – vehicle maintenance and repairs, grounds clean up, Home/ Lot Improvement Inspections. Paving is scheduled in the very near for the roads affected by excavation to repair water breaks and electrical issues etc.

Volunteers/Social committee – July 8th coop 4th anniversary and summer celebration was a success with approx 76 people in attendance. Wayne the DJ rocked it! Thank you, Alyssa and Todd W from Hiden Oaks for gifting the delicious Costcos sheet cakes. Congratulations Scott B – Walden Rd. on winning the $50 cash raffle giveaway prize. Scott offered to re-donate the winnings back to the Volunteer/Social Committee funds however we encourage that he take the winnings and do something special with it. Plans for night swims are in the works. The weather has not been very cooperative. Please abide by Pool rules – There may or may not be an attendant present. Some folks have been leaving trash behind. You must sign in with all your attendees and guests. Camera surveillance is present at all times for safety purposes.

A warm welcome to our new neighbors!

Libby P & Makayla P ~ Waverly Circle ~ Ashley L ~ Wentworth Rd. ~ Amy L ~ Coventry Rd. ~ Kevin R ~ Lexington Rd. ~

Sales pending: 64 Lexington, 136 Waverly, 127 Webley

Residents Village Project Team Report – Requesting BCA information to find out how to obtain a current and valid Towns voters list to enable the team of residents to tally the petition signatures accurately.

Welcome to our new CDI/TA Elise Greaves ~

Proposed Budget 2023/24 -An overview of the projected and known operating cost increases was presented. The Construction loan draw needed for Capital Improvement expenditures to address the failing Leach fields, Electrical upgrades, Water system repairs, and roads maintenance created by excavation when these infrastructure failures occur as well as the increased operation costs results in approx a 3.14% lot rent increase for Co-op members & approx a 4.97% lot rent increase for Non-Co-op members. Non-members that are in good standing may join to become members at any time. Contact PMA at (802) 860-3315 ~ [email protected]

Complaint forms must be filled out and submitted to PMA for any action to be taken. All complaints forms submitted shall remain confidential if requested on the form.

Chronic complaints that violate Westbury community rules, Bylaws, Membership Agreement, or the Lease can result in a member’s expulsion from the Co-op membership.

Please keep your cats from roaming. There have been reports of Fisher cats, Bobcats, and tragic results as an outcome.

A quorum of approx 67 co-op members is needed at the Annual meeting for the meeting to be called to order.

Non-members may join to become Co-op members at any time. Forms can be obtained from PMA (802) 860-3315 and sign-up will with the $100 membership fee will be available at the annual meeting as well.

Have a lovely rest of the Summer!

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