
Westbury December Recap

The next tentatively scheduled regular Board meeting is January 26, 2023

Trees Service-Trees were prioritized for dead and potentially harmful or hazardous have been removed. The list was compiled by our vendor that did a field evaluation as well as reviewed the service requests submitted by residents.

Waterline breaks in the month of December have been repaired. Our vendor will be discussing options with PMA & our Maintenance Committee to assist with inspecting, locating, and repairing the water stop valves in isolated areas where a water leak occurs in an attempt to reduce having to shut off the Water Main that effects all the homeowners. Often this is not possible due to poor maintenance in the past of our 50-year-old water system. Thank you all for your patience and understanding!

PRICE made it to the Omnibus bill. (a competitive grant program) A huge thanks to ROC USA, CDI & all the select mobile home representatives that were instrumental in advocating for our communities.

    $225 million for the new Preservation and Reinvestment Initiative for Community Enhancement (PRICE) Program, a competitive grant program for housing residents and communities to preserve and revitalize manufactured housing and eligible manufactured housing communities. 

State committee appointment for one of our own. The Environmental Justice Advisory Council committee on committees has been formed at the State level and Gayle Pezzo/Westbury has been appointed as the committee representative for Mobile Home Park residents for a 6-year term.

Rules Enforcement Committee & Volunteer/Social Committee meetings will be paused until March/April.

The Volunteer/Social Committee Holiday giveaway nominee was selected. Congratulations to the prize winner of $150 to our neighbor on Waverly Circle.

Resident donations for a second Holiday giveaway nominee was selected. Congratulations to the prize winner of $100 to our neighbor on Shannon Road.

Congratulations to the winners of the Holiday Decoration Contest for an awesome display of Holiday Joy!

1st prize $75.00… 301 Walden Road

2nd prize $50.00 …86 Wyndham Road

3rd prize $25.00… 36 Webley Street

Snow plowing was discussed with our vendor regarding timeliness and snow piling. The snow piling will be revised by the maintenance committee to review the efficiency of the map and stakes that have been provided to our vendor.

Drive-thru community rules violations inspections have been extremely low. Thanks to all for your cooperation

Please be sure to pull in your trash cans after trash pick-up day so that the snow plowing can be done efficiently.

Wishing You all a Happy New Year!

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