
Westbury June 2022 Recap

Next tentatively scheduled regular Board meeting July 28, 2022

Treasurers report for the month of May was provided and is available to all Co-op members upon request.

The Village project is moving steadily however there is a delay in moving forward with the petition until the team gathers additional information from the Secretary of State for appropriate legal terminology for the Village petition.You must be a registered voter in the Town of Colchester for your signature to be counted. There are voter registrations in the mailroom and for your convenience a team member will bring them to the Town once you fill them out and drop them in the office mailbox.

CDI/Jeremiah Ward has written a grant proposal for the ARPA Healthy Home grant proposal and awards will be announced sometime in September or October.

PMA reported that Leach field replacement planning continues for 5 homes that have been assessed as a priority. The soil sampling has been performed on these homes. Waiting for the States approval and permits for the work to begin. The project is extensive and will created unavoidable lot disturbance. If you have any questions once the work begins please contact PMA at [email protected]. The Electrical upgrades that are scheduled for Coventry Rd is delayed due to staffing problems with the vendors excavators. More info to follow. Drive thru inspections are performed throughout the month along with the Enforcement committee to make certain that all the residents are complying with the Community Rules.

The pool opened on June 15th. The hours that it will be open are 8:30a to 8:00p Sunday thru Friday. Saturday 11:00a thru 8:00p. For the safety and enjoyment of all those that utilize the pool. Children under the age of 14 y/o must be accompanied by an adult. Swim at your own risk. No glass bottles allowed in the pool area. Attendant may or not be on duty during pool hours. No one is permitted in the pump house without permission. Please leave the bathroom tidy. Additional pool rules are posted on the fence at the pool area. Please deposit all trash in the trash cans located outside the pool fence. Be Safe, Enjoy and Have Fun!

The Board has revisited the Rules Enforcement Policy and amended the time frame for notices sent to be as such: 1st notice provides 10 days to resolve the violation. If unresolved in those 10 days a second notice will be sent certified mail providing 10 days to resolve the violation stating that further action may be taken to correct the situation including legal involvement at the homeowners expense. e.g. any vehicles that are not parked on the driveway, trash on lot or porch, pet violations, home/lot improvements done without Co-op approval. Additional information regarding the policy is posted in the document section of the website or can be provided by the Board Secretary upon request.

The Rules & Bylaws Committee has met and presented to the Board a proposal of 5 rule changes or modification. Those specific items will be sent to ROCUSA for approval. They will be specified in the Board minutes and available to Co-op members as soon as the minutes are approved at the July regular Board meeting. These changes will be placed on the ballot in August at the Annual Membership Meeting. For further information please contact a Board member.

Maintenance Committee has painted the office porch. The Basketball court has been updated with new Hoops/ Backboards and Court repair. Pickleball and Shuffleboard is still being planned. Pothole repair began the 4th week of Jun. Remaining roads will be scheduled in the very near future. Weather permitting. The committee continues to do grounds cleanup etc. 2x’s per week and throughout the month. A lot of moving parts on a daily basis for a park this size. Volunteers are needed to help lighten the load for our volunteer Maintenance Committee Hero’s. Home/Lot Improvement Committee continues to do inspections for the requests submitted as quickly a possible once the request form is received. Thank you to the committee members and volunteers that work tirelessly to keep this park running effectively, efficiently and in optimum condition. We can’t thank these committees enough!!!

Volunteer/Social Committee organized a celebration for the kiddos on the last day of school. The kids were greeted when exiting their buses with a Congrats balloon and a special card for each age group. Treats, games and bounce house, Karaoke & music for enjoyment. All had a great time! Thanks to the committee for an awesome event! Summer Celebration Pool party, 3 year Co-op anniversary, volunteer recognition scheduled for July 9th for all Westbury residents. Flyers have been posted on the Westbury FB page, Blog and mailroom bulletin board. Looking forward to an awesome celebration!

The Membership Committee would like to announce that Westbury residents that submit an intent to sell must sign that form if they desire to make public to the community their intention to sell their home. If that form is not signed the membership committee does not have the right to disclose to others that the home is for sale. Application received for homes for sale will not be approved by the Board unless the seller is in compliance with community rules related to their home and lot, in good standing with their lot rents and any other fees owed to the Co-op. 206 Shannon Rd- sale remains pending 118 Wilmington Rd – For sale

Tuberville Farm Table continue to provide donation (when available) on Monday’s. On holidays that fall on a Monday the donations are not a guarantee.

There have been some reports and complaints about dogs off leash. Westbury is a dogs prohibited community unless special accommodations have been provided by the Board of Directors. All dogs must adhere to the Community rules.

The Financial Committee will be meeting to develop the 2022/2023 budget in July to be voted on at the August Membership meeting. Date to be announced soon and will be posted on the event calendar.


Please be weary of any individuals soliciting home/lot improvement work in our park. We suggest you get references from former customers. We have had reports of individuals doing shoddy work and being unreliable. The Board does not recommend or endorse anyone for home improvements.

The mailroom hours are 8:30a to 8:00p open daily. No loitering and No posting on the bulletin board without Board approval. The mailboxes are governed by the USPS. Tampering with the mailbox is a federal offense. video surveillance is present and will be available to the USPS if requested.

Information was gathered that moth lures may help to reduce the infestation of caterpillars for next year if a good amount of the residents use them. Something to consider. Info is posted on the mailroom bulletin board provided by one of our resident.

Have a Happy & Safe July to All!!!!

Please do not call 911 to report fireworks activity unless it is an emergency! Call Colchester Police Department at (802) 264-5555

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