
Westbury May 2022 Recap

Next tentatively scheduled regular Board meeting June 23, 2022

Treasurers report was provided for the month of April. It is available upon request to all Westbury Co-op members.

The Community rules enforcement policy has been amended to include that only one notice followed by legal action if unresolved for any violation that may cause harm or danger to person or property. Violations that are resolved and reoccur within a 4 month time frame will receive the sequential notice of violation and action. For your convenience here is the violations policy:

Westbury Homeowners Association, Inc.
Notice of Violation of Community Rules Policy

Any issues of non compliance to the Community Rules will be addressed as
An infraction is noted by property management or the Rules Enforcement
Committee or by written complaints submitted to property management.
Notice 1:
First letter will provide a description of the violation and give 30 days to discuss with property management the plan to resolve the issue. (The matter could be subject to service charge
from WHAI if not corrected)
Notice 2:
Second letter will provide 14 days to resolve the issue.
Notice 3:
Third letter will be sent certified mail return receipt providing 10 days to comply.
If the violation is not resolved by the 10th day further action up to and possibly legal action may be taken at the expense of the homeowner. UPDATE: THIS POLICY HAS BEEN REVISED> PLEASE SEE JUNE RECAP

One notice will be sent by certified mail followed by legal action for any
violation that has caused or may cause harm or damage to person or property.

See Enforcement Committee Policy Amendment page 2.
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Westbury Homeowners Association

Enforcement Committee Amendment for Violations Deemed Dangerous or

Safety Related

Rationale: The Enforcement Committee follows an adopted policy for
notification and implementation of the rules at Westbury Homeowners
Association. This policy strictly deals with all infractions “across the board” not
taking in account safety and issues that may cause harm to person or property.

Amendment: The Enforcement Committee may/shall take immediate actions with
ONE notice to the homeowner for violations which are safety or may cause
immediate danger to anyone or property within Westbury Homeowners
Association. Following the ONE notice, the Enforcement Committee may take
immediate action to remedy the infraction without further notice. If the infraction
is remedied and occurs again within four months, immediate action will be taken
without further notice.
Some examples where this would apply:
Dog fight
Dog bite
Fire Hazard
Pet violation (including not providing documentation)
Open burning
Any firearm violation
Others as deemed appropriate
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The Rules/Bylaws Committee will be meeting for their annual discussion to review the Community Rules the first week in June. There are no Bylaws changes predicted at this time.

The Village Project is moving ahead as planned. A proposed charter and a petition has been developed and will be ready to share with the residents in the very near future as soon as more cost analysis & comparison are completed. A majority of registered voter signatures will be needed and will be presented to the Colchester Selectboard once the signatures are gathered. The team has been posting information on the Village Project FB page, copies of the posts are in the mailroom, the team scheduled 5 meetings for discussion and Q&A during the month of May. An opt out of the Village discussion was posted in the mailroom for anyone that does not want to participate in the formation of a Village in Westbury discussion. This is a very exciting time for Westbury. This may be the best solution for enabling our community to become eligible for resources from our town and state, Bonds bank loans, fee for service possibilities from our town or other municipalities that we were not eligible for currently. It’s taking some methodical work and will continue to do so but it may all be of great benefit to us all. More info coming soon!

The Pool is tentatively scheduled to open on June 15th as we continue to coordinate the professional pool services and schedule the daily attendants. The pool is for the use of Westbury residents and their guests only. Pool rules will be posted in the very near future.

Cota Propane group rate negotiations are pending

Electrical upgrades on Coventry Rd as well as the Leach Field replacements for those that have been deemed a priority by our project manager based on the State Inspectors findings will begin very soon. Notices have been sent to all residents that will be effected by the Leach Field project and continued notices will be sent for all others effected by the work planned. The projects are extensive and excavating will create disruption to your lot. Please bear with the inconvenience during this project. If you have any questions about what to expect on you lot regarding excavation and time frame, please contact PMA at (802) 860-3315. We suggest you send an email as well for your personal records at [email protected]

Maintenance committee organized the Green Up Day on May 7th. We would like to thank all the volunteers that contributed to cleaning up our community. The committee is working on a list of issues that need attending e.g. downed trees, branches, road pot holes, catch basin clearing etc. Please be patient our volunteers will address these issues as soon as they are able. Pickle Ball & Shuffleboard plans are in the works for our tennis court for this Summer. Permits are needed for all structures being planned. Residents of Westbury must submit a Home/Lot Improvement request to gain approval of the project first and the permit application is required to have a Westbury authorized signature before the town will issue any permits. Contact PMA or Louie L at [email protected] for more information regarding the process and good luck with you projects.

Welcome to the community -Lauren C – Radford Lane 206 Shannon Rd sale is pending.

The Volunteer/Social Committee is coordinating a Summer Celebration Pool party for July. More info to follow and flyers will be posted. Westbury Kiddos recognition for completing another school year successfully will take place at the bus stop on Friday, June 10th between 2:45p and 4:00p. Flyers will be posted very soon!

The spongy moth situation is a tremendous nuisance and many rumors are floating around regarding their impact on our trees and whether they are harmful to humans. We have reached out the University Of Vermont Entomology Department for information last week but have not received a reply at this time. Below is a link that appears to supply some useful information:

Trees has been surveyed by Barrets and only trees that have been deemed dead, hazardous or dangerous have been listed for service for this year. If you have a tree that concerns you please submit a service request form to PMA. They will know whether that tree has been listed or the will have Barrets inspect it while on site. In the event of an emergency situation contact PMA at (802) 860-3315 (during off hours wait for the prompt for emergency contact.)

The annual meeting is in the beginning stages of preparation and the financial committee will be reviewing the budget during the months of June & July for the August annual membership meeting The Board positions where terms have ended and open for nomination are Vice President and Treasurer. Please contact PMA if you are interested in either of those positions or leave a comment on this post.

Sales of homes are required to submit and Intent to Sell form to PMA. The seller must be in good standing with lot rent or fees, property taxes, permits and the lot must be in total compliance with the Community Rules for the process to move forward. The potential buyer must complete the application and meet criteria to obtain Board approval.

Enjoy the rest of Spring and stay safe!

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