
Snow Plow Project: Video # 3

Prelude to video 3

The more discussions we are having, the more times the idea of forming a village seems to be coming up.

The idea started with trying to find a solution to the snow plowing issue but there may be other things that having a village to handle our roads and possibly other things like wastewater might help.

There is a lot that would need to be accomplished but there is much that can be accomplished if we do so.

The plan being discussed would not change the coop. Creating a village would give us a chance to apply for grant money and low-interest loans from places we can’t as a coop.

As a municipality, the village would have more options for funding and resources. If our village took over the roads, they could become public roads and be eligible for funding from the State. Also, we could then ask the town to partner with us which might make things like plowing become more manageable.

Now is the time to move forward and see how far this plan can take us. With this plan, we have more options and possibilities than we had when we began our mission to find a solution to the plowing issue.

We need a partner in the Town, we need to be visible and rally as a community, tenacious and wise, supportive and steadfast.

Here is the third video in the series about Plowing, Westbury, and now How to become a Village.

Please email [email protected] with your question, comments, or ideas.

Together we are strong and together our voice can be heard!

Discussions are the only way we find solutions!

Video 3 – please click on the link

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